Attaining financial stability is not an easy thing to do especially in a pandemic and with many issues affecting most people’s daily life. Being thrown in a financial crisis is easy and can happen in the snap of a finger. Some people get into tricky financial situations because they lost their jobs, lost a loved one or they simply made a poor business decision. Regardless of the reason why you lost your financial stability, there are ways to cope and get back on track. Here are some ways of ensuring you get back up on your feet.
If you reside in California, you probably have heard about EKS California. On the website, you have useful resources on how to turn your life around and make better financial decisions. Whether you need to find internet service or need to get on a medical program for students or the homeless, the website has more than enough information to help you get started on your path to financial freedom.
How does it work?
EKS California brings together resources to help persons who are eligible for benefits to get access to them. All you have to do is check whether you qualify for these benefits and you are good to go. Some of the programs include the low cost internet service, the CalSavers Program, free tax filing services as well as other discounts on basic services.
What most people in California do not know is that they qualify for the benefits, including School Meals, Food Stamps, and more because of ignorance. If you are looking for ways to finance your education for instance, you can sign up for the Head Start program which is geared towards helping several levels of school goers to fund their studies. If you have children you could also get support if your children need it.
Eligibility is considered based on various factors, including whether one has a disability, whether they are unemployed, or whether they have lost parental support due to death among other reasons. Those who take care of foster children may also receive financial aid from the various programs. To check whether you are eligible for benefits, consider visiting ekscalifornia.org and complete the quiz to receive information not the kind of assistance and how much financial aid you could receive per month. The site also has links to the various resources which you could sign up for if you are eligible.…