If you or a loved one have chosen a cremation rather than a traditional funeral, you may not know much about the service.
Is it different from the service for a traditional service? Longer or shorter? Are there changes that need to be made in the format, and if so what are they?
Fortunately, the answers are relatively simple, and you may want to consider an option for your situation and your needs. What follows is a primer of what you need to know about cremation service. It will help you get started, and give you some of the answers you need.
Many people don’t realize that cremations actually do include a service most of the time. In most instances, cremations actually take place following a regular funeral service. But you can also have what’s known as a direct cremation, which means there’s no funeral beforehand, and you can opt to have a memorial service at a later date.
That, in turn, gives you some options.
You can choose where and when you want the memorial service to take place, and if you’re entombing or burying the cremation remains you can choose to schedule the service based on the time and date of the internment. This is called a graveside service, and it’s actually not uncommon.
There are also issues involving the remains that you need to know about. Cremated remains can be buried in a cemetery using either a ground plot, or they can be interred in what’s called a columbarium niche. They may be scattered, or they can also be kept in an urn which may or may not be supplied by a family member.
If you are burying the remains in a cemetery and scheduling service around it at a place like Cortner Chapel, there are some things you need to know about the cemetery itself. These include being able to schedule and handle the religious service, provide special touches if the service revolved around a veteran, or meet your needs if you’re looking for a green cemetery.
Pricing is secondary for many people, but it’s not unimportant. You may need to purchase a plot, and if you do you need to know what it will cost.
Similarly, you also need to know about the price for space if you’re having the remains entombed, and that may include getting a price for a columbarium niche.
Finally, you need to think about procedures if you want the remains to be kept by family or friends. This may require special arrangements, so make sure you consult the cemetery about this part as well.…